Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Basic Tips on web hosting

Do you need a web host that is reliable and can give u unlimited space, unlimited transfer and Domain?
All you need to know about web hosting is in this post.

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I threw this page together as a resource to help out potential webmasters in perhaps choosing a web host more wisely than many first did. A wrong choice can have terrible consequences for your website and its reputation, not to mention the loss of money in some cases. Keep the following 'rules' in mind when considering purchasing web hosting services.

The Ten Basic Rules

The hosting company which kicked off the creation of this article is the now defunct Oktagone.net. Their absolute lack of professionalism, and the (almost irreparable) damage they did to TweakGuides.com still makes me angry, and it's been quite a while since I escaped their clutches. My experience with Oktagone is the perfect example of all the things that can go wrong with hosting.

Basic Rule Number One: Never rely on one or two pieces of advice when purchasing hosting services, no matter how glowing the recommendation. Aside from the fact that people may not really know what they're talking about, some people often don't have any direct experience with the host they're recommending, and of course some people may even be paid by or affiliated with the host and thus their recommendation is not genuine. Nothing replaces decent independent research when choosing a web host. Hit Google and start searching for any and all accounts of a host by actual users. Virtually all hosts will show both good and bad experiences, but the good hosts usually have far higher incidences of the good rather than the bad.

Basic Rule Number Two: Don't use a web host if they can't automate or correctly administer the most fundamental aspect of a business: billing and payments.

Basic Rule Number Three: Never ever rely on a web host which has constant outages, even if they always come up with some excuse for it. There is no genuine excuse for a web host which experiences frequent, particularly lengthy, outages. All good hosts have redundancy plans in place to prevent extended outages, and indeed if your host is experiencing repeated outages without doing something about it that should tell you how unprofessional their setup is. Your website relies on a smooth and consistent presence on the Internet to be successful. Constantly being unavailable undermines your image, reduces your income, and affects search engine rankings to name just a few negative effects.

Basic Rule Number Four: If your website, or even the host's site itself, goes down for more than 24 hours, start getting very worried. This is not normal, particularly if you were not given any prior warning or plausible explanation. Check the WebHosting Talk Outages Forum to see if there is an existing discussion on an outage at your particular host or their upstream provider - you will have to do some research if you're not sure who your host's original provider is. This also leads me to:

Basic Rule Number Five: Begin the process of researching other potential webhosts the minute you are unsatisfied with your current host's service for any reason. This doesn't mean you should switch hosts at the first sign of trouble, but the sooner you do some research to find out which other hosts are available in your price range, and what sort of feedback there is on their services, the better equipped you will be to move in a hurry should it be necessary to abandon ship. You may notice that I've mentioned WebHosting Talk (WHT) several times in this article - I'm not affiliated or sponsored by WHT, it is simply a good place to research and read more about all aspects of hosting, and interact with the hosts themselves. In any case whichever avenue you choose, now is the time to do some research.

Basic Rule Number Six: Once your site is down for several days, don't trust the host to tell you the truth about the situation, and don't just sit and wait - switch hosts as soon as possible. Simply put, if your web host hasn't taken steps to protect against extended outages longer than a day by having some sort of contingency plan, you're dealing with an unprofessional setup. In some situation, their outright lying was bad enough, but the fact that they left some of their customers offline for over two weeks means that the owner was clearly uninterested in anything more than running hosting as a casual hobby to earn money on the side. He was wholly unprepared to undertake the responsibility of hosting, couldn't even pay his bills, and left all his customers stranded, all the while telling blatant lies and refusing to give refunds.

Basic Rule Number Seven: Always back up your website regularly to your own PC and/or to another server or location other than your host's server(s). Your host may or may not take regular backups of your site/server, but you should never rely on these. In fact most hosts make it clear as part of their terms and conditions that you are responsible for backing up your own data. If a host goes down or goes bankrupt for example, you cannot depend on being able to get back your data or any backups stored on their servers. You must backup remotely to at least one other reliable independent location, preferably more, and backup regularly so that your backups are at the most 24 - 48 hours out of date.

Basic Rule Number Eight: Never register your domain name through your web host. Hosts will often offer to register a domain for you, and many webmasters who are lazy or don't know any better will accept this offer. The problem is that if your host is also holding your domain registration details, and the host goes offline for extended periods, goes bust, or you have a hostile relationship with them, then you can't switch your site to another host. Why? Because you need to be able to change the Domain Name Server information for your domain to point it to new IP address(es), and if this is registered through your host it may not be accessible and thus can't be changed, leaving you stuck.

Basic Rule Number Nine: Never pay in advance for hosting, even if it entails a large discount. You may find that you lose all your money if the host goes down permanently, or even if they simply decide not to refund you the balance if you leave early for example. Consumer protection agencies, as well as the protection mechanisms in credit cards and PayPal can help you recover your money in many cases, but for small sums you're often going to spend more time and effort than is worth the money you're trying to get back. Pay for your hosting by the month, and do it using a credit card or PayPal so you have some form of protection.

VPS Hosting

Basic Rule Number Ten: Finding a good host is not a foolproof business. Even the smartest and most experienced webmasters can still fall prey to a host which suddenly goes bust. Hosting itself is a risky, expensive and complex business, so the companies involved in hosting - just like any other business - can experience ups and downs. If you find a good host, stick with them through the bad times, although this doesn't negate the earlier rules I mentioned. For example, if a good host goes down for 24 hours or more, you should still research other hosts in preparation to move. Then when your host provides you with a reason for the downtime, judge its plausibility based on some research. All hosts have outages from time to time, but if a 'good' host experiences frequent outages, and things are steadily getting worse, then it's time to move on.

And remember this final bonus tip: cheapest is usually not the best choice when it comes to hosting. If having a stable presence on the Internet is important to you, if you don't want to waste countless hours trying to resolve mysterious problems with your site, then do your research and be prepared to spend a few extra bucks to get a quality service run by a professional team. Almost without fail, the cheapest hosts are the worst ones, because they're either using a business model that is extremely risky or unviable in the long term, and/or they are deliberately cutting corners in a range of areas which can lead to outages, data loss and terrible support. You definitely get what you pay for in the hosting world.

VPS Hosting 
Best web Hosting@Bluehost its $4.9
In my next post i shall be looking at "How to post/publish post via mobile
Pls make use of d comment box if u have any related view or question 


  1. It is always nice to read an article like this, seems like the blogger experienced poor kind of web hosting. Thanks for sharing us the tips, surely I will not fall for the wrong one.

  2. Yea you're welcome Rodulf Dela


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